My trip to Dhading

We were told to arrive the school at 9:30 a.m. That was the reason why I gave up my sleep and woke up at 7 a.m. The weather was extremely cold. I had decided the outfit for the day the previous day. As planned, I wore my outfit and did a messy high bun. I had my meal and left with Chhoti and Doma. After a 5 minute walk I realised that I didn't bring my school jacket which was compulsory. I returned home and brought it. We went to a department store in the search of marshmallows but we were unable to get it. In no time we reached school and had a little photo session. Then we left at 11 a.m.

In the way we also saw the garden full of cabbage. In the way there was also some small trees where all the boys started climbing and clicking photos. And we also saw a small puppy and show the love to it but because of chaos that puppy got scared and started barking at us then we continue walking. I was in the first leading our group and then while returning from the top of the hill we saw that Deepak sir group had took the wrong way and were returning from the wrong way. Then till they return from the top we wait for them. And we saw them returning back to us then deepak sir took us to an empty ground where we played race and some of them did a lot of cheatings Chotti pushed me from back and I also pushed her i.e. Tit for Tat. And we return to camp at evening. After returning we went to our camp charged our phone. We started dancing. Then we ate our dinner at 7.00 pm then again we started dancing,playing and so on. While dancing bijay sir and khem sir also joined us. Aakriti told me that they were dancing as they were drunk. Aakriti acted as if she was caught by the ghost and scared samip. We ate the chicken cooked on BBQ. While eating deepak sir told that near riverside there ghost comes and scares people.

The first day was really amazing for all of us because on this day we have really good memory likewise dancing, singing,eating,scaring,talking Nepali,etc.


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